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COVID-19 and Influenza Policy

We are still accepting clients/patients in our centre provided they have no presenting symptoms of fever, cough, cold symptoms or sore throat. Should you say yes to any of the above, please ring the centre to cancel your appointment. We reserve the right to cancel any appointment if we feel you are a potential threat to our centre and others within it.

We will be contacting all upcoming clients/patients via a reminder text and ask that you confirming the above information prior to your appointment.

Warragul Wellness Centre prides itself on having strong connections with our clients. We may not necessarily have much warning when it comes to closures or lockdowns, so we are asking that you all be prepared if this indeed is the case. Thanks so much for your support and understanding and please be kind to each other.

For updates on the official information please visit

* Please note that we are not currently taking any massage clients if within 72 hours after the COVID-19 vaccine. Please be mindful of this before booking an appointment. This is for the safety of the client and to ensure our therapies have the intended effect.

This is a recommendation from the AMT Page 9.

Warragul Wellness Centre

COVID-19 and Influenza Guidelines and best practice


A coronavirus (COVID-19) or Influenza infection can cause mild to severe respiratory illness. Common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) or Flu are:

  • Fever

  • Chills or sweats

  • Cough

  • Sore throat

  • Shortness of breath

  • Runny nose

  • Loss of sense of smell

Employees in the healthcare and social assistance industry have a high risk of being exposed to coronavirus (COVID-19). These employees are likely to come into close contact with patients and clients in facilities and in people's homes, and because they work in high traffic environments.

Employers have a duty to provide and maintain, so far as is reasonably practicable, a working environment that is safe and without risks to the health of employees. This includes preventing risks to health, including psychological health, and safety associated with potential exposure to coronavirus (COVID-19) as a result of providing health care and social assistance services in the current circumstances.

Employees have a duty to take reasonable care of their own and others health and safety in the workplace and cooperate with their employers about any action they take to comply with the OHS Act or Regulations.

Health care providers must implement control measures to eliminate or minimise the spread of COVID-19 and ensure the health and safety of their workers, patients and others at the workplace. This is a requirement under Work Health and Safety laws. 

How we best implement social distancing in the consultation setting, including practices with small consultation rooms?

Physical distancing is to be practiced within Warragul Wellness Centre, between staff and patients, and between staff and staff. This includes:

  • Waiting room chairs separated by at least 1.5 metres

  • Direct interactions between staff conducted at a distance

  • Staff and patients to remain at least 1.5 metres apart except for clinical examinations and procedures (where possible).

  • Offering Telehealth appointments for some practitioners and services, reducing the number of clients in the centre

How do we ensure the health of our clients and staff?

  • Follow government advice on the amount of people that are safely allowed in the centre at the same time.

  • Ask all clients to hand sanitise

  • Providing and encouraging use of facilities or products (eg hand wash stations with soap and hand towels, hand sanitiser with over 60 per cent alcohol, bleach solution for disinfecting/cleaning) to allow employees to maintain good hygiene practices.

  • Avoiding shared use of phones, desks, offices, kitchens or other work tools and equipment.

  • Continue to screen all clients via text message 24 hours before allocated appointment time, reschedule any that are suffering from respiratory symptoms.

  • Thoroughly clean all surfaces and electric tables with between clients

  • Clean common areas multiple times per day

  • Refuse staff to attend who are currently unwell with cold/flu symptoms

  • Reduce reception staff and only have the essential practitioner present for appointments during initial restrictions

  • Communicating any altered expectations and working conditions to patients, clients and visitors to reduce the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection to employees.

  • Using video conferencing for staff meetings and communication of centre policy and restriction changes.

  • Providing updated information to all employees, including employees on leave, contractors and casual workers.

How do we know which practitioners can practice?

  • All our practitioners are adhering to government requirements regarding vaccination or medical exemption.

  • Each practitioner is following specific advice from their relevant associations regarding their services and any restrictions.

Cleaning and disinfection in the centre

Cleaning and disinfecting are two different processes:

Cleaning means physically removing germs, dirt and organic matter from surfaces.

Disinfecting means using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces. It is important to clean before disinfecting because organic matter and dirt can reduce the ability of disinfectants to kill germs.

A combination of cleaning and disinfection will be most effective in removing the COVID-19 virus. Cleaning reduces the soil load on the surface, allowing the disinfectant to work and kill the COVID-19 virus. Disinfectant may not kill the virus if the surface has not been cleaned with a detergent first.

Routine cleaning

Workplaces should clean surfaces at least daily. Special attention should be given to frequently touched surfaces (e.g. tabletops, door handles, light switches, desks, toilets, taps, TV remotes, kitchen surfaces and cupboard handles). Ideally, once clean, surfaces should also be disinfected regularly. Alternatively, you may be able to do a 2-in-1 clean and disinfection by using a combined detergent and disinfectant.

Surfaces and fittings should be cleaned more frequently when:

  • visibly soiled

  • used repeatedly by several people (e.g. trolleys, tables, checkouts, EFTPOS machines), and

  • after any spillage.


For routine cleaning, disinfectants are usually only necessary if a surface has been contaminated with potentially infectious material. For this reason, when and how often a workplace should undertake disinfection as part of routine cleaning will depend on the likelihood of contaminated material being present at the workplace. For example, in a busy retail environment with many customers and others entering a workplace each day, more frequent disinfection is recommended to prevent the spread of COVID-19. By contrast, for a small work crew operating the same item of plant each day with little interaction with other people, routine disinfection in addition to daily cleaning may not be reasonably practicable.

How do we clean?

Use the following steps to clean an environment:

  1. Wear gloves when cleaning. Gloves should be discarded after each clean. If it is necessary to use reusable gloves, gloves should only be used for COVID-19 related cleaning and should not be used for other purposes or shared between workers. Wash reusable gloves with detergent and water after use and leave to dry. Clean hands immediately after removing gloves using soap and water or hand sanitiser.

  2. Thoroughly clean surfaces using detergent and water. Always clean from the cleanest surfaces to the dirtiest surfaces. This stops the transfer of germs to cleaner surfaces and allows you to physically remove and dispose of the largest possible number of germs.

  3. If you need to use a disinfectant, clean the surface first using detergent then apply a disinfectant or use a combined detergent and disinfectant (see next section). A disinfectant will not kill germs if the surface has not been cleaned first. Apply disinfectant to surfaces using disposable paper towel or a disposable cloth. If non-disposable cloths are used, ensure they are laundered and dried before reusing.

  4. Allow the disinfectant to remain on the surface for the period required to kill the virus (contact time) as specified by the manufacturer. If no time is specified, leave for 10 minutes.

How we would clean if someone at my workplace is suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19?

If a person who has been at your workplace is suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19, you must thoroughly clean and disinfect all areas of suspected contamination.

Clean and disinfect all areas (for example, offices, bathrooms and common areas) that were used by the suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19. Close off the affected area before cleaning and disinfection. Open outside doors and windows if possible, to increase air circulation and then commence cleaning and disinfection.

  • clean and disinfect hard surfaces using either: a physical clean using detergent and water followed by a clean with 1,000 ppm bleach solution (2-step clean), for example, household bleach or hospital-grade bleach solutions that are readily available from retail stores. Bleach solutions should be made fresh daily.

  • a physical clean using a combined detergent and 1,000 ppm bleach solution (2-in-1 clean) made up daily from a concentrated solution (refer to the Department of Health website for more information on achieving the correct bleach solution).

Want to Know More

Warragul Wellness Centre - Gift Shop Terms and Conditions , Shipping Returns and Refund Policy, Privacy Policy, Cancellations, COVID Policy, apply at all times to all Customers and Clients.

Please email or contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Find Us

Warragul Wellness Centre - Gift Shop can also be found on FacebookInstagram and Google.

34 Mason Street Warragul Vic 3820

Ph: 56364902

General Enquiries, confidential documents and Referrals:

Reception Hours:

Monday: 9am to 5pm

Tuesday: 9am to 5pm

Wednesday: 9am to 7pm

Thursday: By Appointment

Friday: By Appointment

Saturday: By Appointment

Please call 56364902 if centre is unattended or make bookings online


We pay my respects to the people of Gunaikurnai Country on whose land we work on. We pay our respect to Gunaikurnai Elders past, present and emerging. We also acknowledge that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples hold knowledge about health practice and medical treatment which has been practiced for thousands of generations.

 Copyright Warragul Wellness Centre 2023

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